The EU ARCTIC Forum co-hosts seminar on European Arctic Oil & Gas in the European Parliament
The EU ARCTIC Forum, in co-operation with the North Norway Office, Statoil, ENI and the International Energy Agency, will co-host the seminar entitled “European Arctic Oil & Gas: Experiences and Development” on 6 March 2012 in the European Parliament. This seminar is a continuation of a successful series of meetings and seminars to facilitate an informed dialogue between EU and Arctic actors, including leading experts, politicians from both the EU and the Arctic as well as peoples of the Arctic.
The seminar will, amongst other issues, address the role of Arctic oil and gas resources for European industry, security of supply, the impact on the region and peoples in the Arctic as well as challenges and solutions with regard to environment and safety.
Speakers will include important experts of the energy sector – Øivind Dahl-Stamnes, Vice President High North Initiative, Statoil ASA, an representatives of ENI Norway and the IEA -, important regional stakeholders – Odd Eriksen, President of Nordland County, North Norway and a representative of the Government of Greenland – and representatives from Siemens Oil & Gas and Akvaplan-Niva who are important technology suppliers.
Members of the European Parliament Herbert Reul, former chair of the Industry, Research and Energy committee (EPP), Michael Gahler, Rapporteur of the European Parliament on the High North (EPP), and Vicky Ford, rapporteur for the Parliament’s report on offshore oil and gas safety (ECR) will provide insights from an EU-institutional perspective.