Check out the New Arctic Online Database (ARCTIS)


The ARCTIS Online Database (Arctic Resources & Transportation Information System) is a new searchable online database on shipping in Arctic waters, transportation infrastructure, mineral and energy resources, and innovative logistics solutions in the Arctic. The database is developed by the Centre for High North Logistics (CHNL) in North Norway.


The information in ARCTIS is arranged into 8 main topics:
1) Arctic Sea Ice & Climatology
2) Arctic Marine Transport & Logistics
3) Arctic Sea Routes
4) Arctic Maps & Charts
5) Arctic Energy & Mineral Resources
6) Arctic Policies & Governance
7) People, Industries & Institutions
8) and a General topic.

Currently such information, data, and knowledge on the Arctic is scattered within a large number of organizations in several countries. The aim of this database is to collect all the most relevant information on above topics under one roof in ARCTIS.

ARCTIS will provide up-to-date and quality information on above topics managed by a group of more than 40 theme editors. The editorial process of ARCTIS should allow for both high quality as well as timeliness of the information provided. Before an article is published in ARCTIS it will be peer-reviewed by the particular theme editor and his/hers group of experts. Only well established and respected researchers and professionals will be recruited for this effort from leading international research organizations and industry.

ARCTIS will pursue a dissemination role for the international research community by making research results and results of demonstrations and case studies known to key stakeholders in as user-friendly way as possible.

The ARCTIS datebase can be used as a tool to find information and knowledge relevant for businesses, governments, and the research/educational community on shipping in Arctic waters and on Arctic marine transport infrastructure.

Please click here to go the ARCTIS homepage.


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