Offshore Oil and Gas Safety: Secretary General Steffen Weber interviewed by CommentVisions for a view from the Arctic

The Residence Palace in Brussels hosted the September 17thpanel discussion “Offshore Oil and Gas: Which Path to Improving Safety?” conducted by the innovative media partnership/opinion forum CommentVisions. The forum’s Community Manager Robert Zlowkower interviewed Arctic Forum Foundation’s Secretary General Steffen Weber to obtain his viewpoint, as an Arctic specialist, on the direction and scope of recently proposed EU offshore oil and gas safety regulations.

Mr. Weber, among others, brought up the in the context of the Arctic the friction to be found between the EU and Norway (as an EEA member) as it concerned the substance of the regulations and the possibly different influences from/implications for the Norwegian authorities.  This interview was part of a larger CommentVisions Q&A series on the ongoing debate over oil and gas regulation/legislation. The session panelists included Jan Panek of the European Commission (head of the Oil and Coal Unit in the Commission’s Directorate General for Energy); Ivo Belet, MEP and special rapporteur on the regulation of offshore oil and gas safety; Steve Cromar, Chairman of the Well Experts Committee of the International Assosciation of Oil and Gas Producers; and Paal Frisvold, Chairman of Bellona Europe. Interview excerpt available here.


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