Science Policy Forum
Book Launch: Arctic Reflections
Arctic Forum Foundation Fellow, Christy Hehir, and Luka Tomac (Croatia) joined forces to create a moving and insightful book capturing the experiences of Svalbard, as a part of an expedition organised by the British Council and United Nations Environmental Programme GRID – Arendal and funded by Youth in Action. Read more…
Fifth Polar Law Symposium in Rovaniemi
On September 6-8, 2012, the Fifth Polar Law Symposium convened in Rovaniemi, Finland. It brought together about 75 researchers, politicians and indigenous representatives to discuss the latest developments in the field of Polar law and governance. As an integrated panel of the Symposium, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) hosted a workshop on how to communicate research to the media and policy-makers. Secretary General of the Arctic Forum Foundation (AFF), Steffen Weber, joined the workshop via Skype. Read more…
The Arctic Council in Transition: Nordic to North American Leadership SIPRI Workshop in Stockholm, November 29, 2012
Officials and experts from Arctic and non-Arctic countries met to discuss the lessons learned during Sweden’s Arctic Council chairmanship, as well as expectations for the incoming chair, Canada. Steffen Weber, the Secretary General at the Arctic Forum Foundation, contributed to the workshop as a speaker. Participants discussed the situation of indigenous peoples, the role of industry in the Arctic, environmental issues, the question of observer status in the Arctic Council and the role of the Council in the region’s security governance. Read more…
Focus on the Arctic at the ECPR, Tampere, 13-15 September 2012
Live Streaming of Arctic Oil and Gas Workshop
Steffen Weber, Secretary General of the EU ARCTIC Forum is speaking today at the Arctic Oil and Gas Development Workshop organised by the Arctic NGO Forum. Read more…