8th Annual Russian Offshore Conference in Moscow – Focus on the Arctic

300+ senior representatives from more than 15 countries gathered in Moscow to discuss how to best capitalise on Russian offshore production. Steffen Weber, the Secretary General of the Arctic Forum Foundation was one of the speakers at the conference together with several leading industry speakers from BP, Total, Gazprom Dobycha Shelf and Sovkomflot amongst many others. 

Over the four conference days, industry visions, aspirations, challenges and solutions were shared and discussed through keynote speeches and interactive panels. Most questions in the 2013 edition of the conference evolved around local governmental proposals and Gazprom’s monopoly. Will it last? Will it fade? Does de-monopolisation outweigh the risks?
Steffen Weber, the Secretary General of the Arctic Forum Foundation gave a presentation including an overview of the EU-Russian energy cooperation and the implications of EU energy policies developments and its impact on the development of the Arctic.

You can read the whole report from the Russian Offshore conference here.


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